Basement Backup Sump Pump Installation in Albany and Schenectady NY.
Basement Backup Sump Pump
Water PowerEd Emergency Backup Sump Pump
We install emergency water powered backup sump pumps. Water backup sump pumps run on house water and do not require any electrical power or batteries. Water is pex piped into the backup sump pump and used to power it when the water backup sump pump float lifts. A check valve is installed on the water line and on the pvc discharge pipe of the sump pump. If the primary sump pump fails to run, the water will rise up and then lift the secondary float on the backup sump pump, which will then turn on and begin pumping. Call us for a free estimate on a water powered backup sump pump installation.
Installer and Plumber of Backup SUmp PUmps in ALbany, Schenectady, & Saragota, NY
Backup Sump Pump Contractor Service Areas in New York